Karen and Parker

Karen and Parker
My sweet boy

Sunday 16 May 2010

Parkers POOP!!!

I am sure those parents reading this can sympathise with this and have probably had this experience a few times. On Friday I took Parker into town with my friend Kat, she picked us up and on the way into town a smelt this awful smell, yep he had definitely pooped. I hadn't taken his whole changing bag with me as we hadn't had any bad incidents for weeks that was a mistake. I thought I would just lay him on the back seat of the car and change him, I took him out of his seat laid him down and noticed that his sock had poo on, he had poo running down both legs and managed to get poop in between every toe, I had to use almost a whole package of wet wipes to clean him up and then wrapped him in my scarf and took him into Primark to buy him new trousers and socks, i am sure people thought i was a gypsy walking around with a half dressed child, needless to say he came home and had a very thorough Bath. Joyful day!!!


  1. i am cracking up, i was at nordstrom with finn changing his diaper, i pulled it back and he shot poop everywhere. it was powerful! totally embarrassing and hilarious at the same time. i'm glad you survived your first poop incident, unfortunately it probably won't be the last :)

  2. I expect nothing less from your child!
